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Exhibitor Welcome Letters

Board of Directors

Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days

Hotter Than Ever

Welcome to the 159th Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days. It’s time to come and show your animals, your talents, or your projects and enjoy the Fair again. This is the event that brings our community together for good times and lasting memories.

You as exhibitors are such a big part of our Fair. 4-H, FFA, Grange, and Open Class; we welcome and honor you all.

You might remember the Fair because you showed an animal or baked a pie. Maybe you came to the Fair with friends and family and rode some of the exciting carnival rides. Maybe you remember your favorite Fair food or a great concert or rodeo performance. Whatever the reason, the Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days is here again, and with your help, it will be “Hotter Than Ever!!

We are starting the Fair off with a great 3 Doors Down concert on Wednesday night, followed by the always sold-out Demolition Derby on Thursday, and then three nights of PRCA rodeo.

I would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers who work to make this Fair such a wonderful experience for all of us. We couldn’t do it without you.

On behalf of the Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days Board of Directors, the Fair Manager and staff, and the Walla Walla Board of County Commissioners, I would like to welcome everyone to the celebration of the 159th Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days. Enjoy your experience as an exhibitor and take some time to enjoy the Fair.

Mike Charlo, President

Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days

Board of Directors

Mike Charlo

Mike Charlo

Dr. Bill Jordan

Dr. Bill Jordan

Vice President
Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Darren Goble

Darren Goble

Julie McCubbins

Julie McCubbins

Amy Paolino

Amy Paolino

Jeff Preas

Jeff Preas

Todd Stubblefield

Todd Stubblefield

Jodi Worden

Jodi Worden

Dean Atkinson

Dean Atkinson

Ex-Officio Member

WW Fairgrounds, Fair & Frontier Days

Welcome to the 2025 Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days!

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you as an exhibitor to the 2025 Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days. We work hard every year to make improvements and provide a positive fair experience that all will enjoy and appreciate! In 2024 we had 8,257 competitive entries from 3,759 exhibitors and we look forward to even more this year!

This year’s fair theme is "Hotter Than Ever". When the Board, Staff, marketing committee, and advertising team selected this theme, we felt strongly that it fit our Fair as we will be celebrating our 159th fair this year.

As the General Manager of the Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days, I am very proud to be leading the oldest fair in Washington state. It is easy to see why this Fair has been so successful over the years. We have so many volunteers that help us put our fair together and are truly grateful for all they do. There would be no way to produce the quality fair we do without their support! Our traditions and community support are unmatched.

The Board of County Commissioners, the Fair Board of Directors, our Superintendents, Volunteers, and Staff are excited to welcome you to another incredible Labor Day weekend celebrating 159 years of fairs. Make sure you come and enjoy “Hotter Than Ever" because it will for sure create memories that will last a lifetime.


Greg Lybeck CFE

Greg Lybeck, CFE

Greg Lybeck, CFE

Fairgrounds Manager

Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners

We are excited and proud to be inviting you to participate in the 2025 Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days for the 159th year! Special thanks to those of you who enter and participate every year, and welcome to those whom this is your first time to enter an exhibit. encourage your friends and family to take part in this year's fair.

A BIG thank you to all of you echibitors, the many volunteers, Fair and Frontier Days Board of Directors, Frontier Days Foundation, and fairgrounds management and staff for all your hard work in making this a great, family-friendly event. Without your contributions of time and talent, the Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days would not be what it is today.......and it just gets "Hotter Than Ever" every year.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2025 Fair and Frontier days!
Bertha Clayton

Bertha Clayton

District No. 1
Todd Kimball

Todd Kimball

District No. 2
Gunner Fulmer

Gunner Fulmer

District No. 3
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