- Pre-Registration needs to be done by June 2nd.
- You must pre-register with the link for Pre-Fair Weigh In / Tag Day.
- Click here for online form. (coming soon)
- You must register each animal separately
- See exhibitor rules for number of animals allowed to register.
Please arrive according to this schedule:
- A-G: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
- H-N: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
- O-Z: 10:00 - 11 a.m.
If multiple last names in trailer, please pick one time.
Guidance for Weigh-In
- Follow the access map on this page. Enter from Gate 5 on Orchard Street, Exit Lot 6 onto Tietan street.
- Please remain in vehicles until reaching the staging area.
- One family (vehicle) unit will be summoned at a time to the weigh station
- Each animal must have a halter/collar and lead rope
- Animals will be handed off to Sale Committee members
- Participants and adult helper will wait in designated, roped-off area (10'+ from weigh station)
- After animals are weighed and tagged, they will be handed back to participants and that unit may return to vehicle to reload
- When that vehicle drives away, another will be summoned to pull forward
Guidelines set by Cattlemen's
Questions? Please contact Walla Walla County Cattlemen's Association:
Walla Walla County Cattlemen Walla County Cattlemen's Association